Цанислава обнови решението на 13.04.2013 15:31 (преди почти 12 години)
+all_lines = {"A1": (("A2", "A3"), ("B1", "C1"), ("B2", "C3")),
+ "A2": (("A1", "A3"), ("B2", "C2")),
+ "A3": (("A1", "A2"), ("B3", "C3"), ("B2", "C1")),
+ "B1": (("B2", "B3"), ("A1", "C1")),
+ "B2": (("B1", "B3"), ("A2", "C2"),
+ ("A1", "C3"), ("A3", "C1")),
+ "B3": (("B1", "B2"), ("A3", "C3")),
+ "C1": (("C2", "C3"), ("A1", "B1"), ("A3", "C2")),
+ "C2": (("C1", "C3"), ("A2", "B2")),
+ "C3": (("C1", "C2"), ("A3", "B3"), ("A1", "B2"))}
+class InvalidKey(Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidMove(Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidValue(Exception):
+ pass
+class NotYourTurn(Exception):
+ pass
+class TicTacToeBoard:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.board = {"A1": ' ', "A2": ' ', "A3": ' ',
+ "B1": ' ', "B2": ' ', "B3": ' ',
+ "C1": ' ', "C2": ' ', "C3": ' '}
+ self.cache = ' '
+ self.status = 'Game in progress.'
+ def winner(self, key, value):
+ b = self.board
+ key_lines = all_lines[key]
+ for line in key_lines:
+ if b[line[0]] == value and b[line[1]] == value:
+ return value
+ return False
+ def update_status(self, key, value):
+ s = self.status
+ if s != 'Game in progress.':
+ return s
+ b = self.board
+ if ' ' not in b.values():
+ return 'Draw!'
+ else:
+ player = self.winner(key, value)
+ if player:
+ return '{} wins!'.format(player)
+ else:
+ return 'Game in progress.'
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ b = self.board
+ if key not in b.keys():
+ raise InvalidKey('There is no key {}!'.format(key))
+ elif b[key] != ' ':
+ raise InvalidMove('{} is taken!'.format(key))
+ elif value not in ('X', 'O'):
+ raise InvalidValue('{} is invalid!'.format(value))
+ elif value == self.cache:
+ raise NotYourTurn('It is not your turn to play!')
+ else:
+ b[key] = value
+ self.cache = value
+ self.status = self.update_status(key, value)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.board[key]
+ def __str__(self):
+ b = self.board
+ return '\n -------------\n' +\
+ '3 | {} | {} | {} |\n'.format(b["A3"], b["B3"], b["C3"]) +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ '2 | {} | {} | {} |\n'.format(b["A2"], b["B2"], b["C2"]) +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ '1 | {} | {} | {} |\n'.format(b["A1"], b["B1"], b["C1"]) +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ ' A B C \n'
+ def game_status(self):
+ return self.status
Готино решение! +1 точка за красивият __str__