Решение на Морски шах от Станимир Николов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Станимир Николов


  • 6 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 6 точки общо
  • 8 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


import re
class InvalidValue(Exception):
class InvalidKey(Exception):
class InvalidMove(Exception):
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class TicTacToeBoard:
COLUMNS_VALUES = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2}
ROW_VALUES = {'3': 0, '2': 1, '1': 2}
SQUARE_VALUES = {0: ' ', 1: 'X', 2: 'O'}
def __init__(self):
self.deck = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
self.next_turn_value = 0
self.winner = 0
self.number_of_moves = 0
def __str__(self):
row_index = 3
result = "\n -------------\n"
for x in self.deck:
result += "{} |".format(row_index.__str__())
for y in x:
result += ' {} |'.format(self.SQUARE_VALUES[y])
result += "\n -------------\n"
row_index -= 1
result += " A B C \n"
return result
def get_position_indexes(self, key):
result = list()
return result
def check_for_invalid_key(self, key):
pattern = r'[A-C][1-3]'
result = bool(re.search(pattern, key))
if not result:
raise InvalidKey()
def calculate_game_status(self):
result = False
first_diagonal_result = True
second_diagonal_result = True
for i in range(0, 3):
#check diagonals
if self.deck[i][i] != self.next_turn_value:
first_diagonal_result = False
if self.deck[i][2 - i] != self.next_turn_value:
second_diagonal_result = False
#check columns
this_column_result = True
for row in self.deck:
if row[i] != self.next_turn_value:
this_column_result = False
result = result or this_column_result
#check rows
this_row_result = True
for square in self.deck[i]:
if square != self.next_turn_value:
this_row_result = False
result = result or this_row_result
result = result or first_diagonal_result or second_diagonal_result
if result:
self.winner = self.next_turn_value
def __getitem__(self, key):
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
value_key = self.deck[position[0]][position[1]]
return self.SQUARE_VALUES[value_key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
#check value
if value != 'X' and value != 'O':
raise InvalidValue()
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
#check position
if self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] != 0:
raise InvalidMove()
#check turn
next_turn_value_string = self.SQUARE_VALUES[self.next_turn_value]
if next_turn_value_string != value and next_turn_value_string != ' ':
raise NotYourTurn()
value_key = [k for k, v in self.SQUARE_VALUES.items() if v == value][0]
self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = value_key
if value == 'X':
self.next_turn_value = 2
self.next_turn_value = 1
self.number_of_moves += 1
def game_status(self):
if self.winner == 0:
if self.number_of_moves < 9:
return 'Game in progress.'
return 'Draw!'
elif self.winner == 1:
return 'X wins!'
return 'O wins!'

Лог от изпълнението

Ran 8 tests in 0.011s


История (3 версии и 4 коментара)

Станимир обнови решението на 15.04.2013 11:32 (преди почти 12 години)

+import re
+class InvalidValue (Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidKey (Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidMove (Exception):
+ pass
+class NotYourTurn (Exception):
+ pass
+class TicTacToeBoard:
+ COLUMNS_VALUES = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2}
+ ROW_VALUES = {'3': 0, '2': 1, '1': 2}
+ SQUARE_VALUES = {0: ' ', 1: 'X', 2: 'O'}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.deck = [[0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0]]
+ self.next_turn_value = 0
+ self.winner = 0
+ self.number_of_moves = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ row_index = 3
+ result = "\n -------------\n"
+ for x in self.deck:
+ result += row_index.__str__()
+ result += " |"
+ for y in x:
+ result += ' '
+ result += self.SQUARE_VALUES[y]
+ result += " |"
+ result += "\n -------------\n"
+ row_index -= 1
+ result += " A B C \n"
+ return result
+ def get_position_indexes(self, key):
+ result = list()
+ result.append(self.ROW_VALUES[key[1]])
+ result.append(self.COLUMNS_VALUES[key[0]])
+ return result
+ def check_for_invalid_key(self, key):
+ pattern = r'[A-C][1-3]'
+ result = bool(re.search(pattern, key))
+ if not result:
+ raise InvalidKey
+ def is_game_over(self):
+ result = False
+ #check rows
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ this_row_result = True
+ for j in self.deck[i]:
+ if j != self.next_turn_value:
+ this_row_result = False
+ break
+ result = result or this_row_result
+ #check columns
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ this_column_result = True
+ for row in self.deck:
+ if row[i] != self.next_turn_value:
+ this_column_result = False
+ break
+ result = result or this_column_result
+ #check diagonals
+ first_diagonal_result = True
+ second_diagonal_result = True
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ if self.deck[i][i] != self.next_turn_value:
+ first_diagonal_result = False
+ if self.deck[i][2 - i] != self.next_turn_value:
+ second_diagonal_result = False
+ result = result or first_diagonal_result or second_diagonal_result
+ if result:
+ self.winner = self.next_turn_value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ self.check_for_invalid_key(key)
+ position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
+ value_key = self.deck[position[0]][position[1]]
+ return self.SQUARE_VALUES[value_key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self.check_for_invalid_key(key)
+ #chech is value valid
+ if value != 'X' and value != 'O':
+ raise InvalidValue
+ position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
+ #chech is position valid
+ if self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] != 0:
+ raise InvalidMove
+ #check players turn
+ next_turn_value_string = self.SQUARE_VALUES[self.next_turn_value]
+ if next_turn_value_string != value and next_turn_value_string != ' ':
+ raise NotYourTurn
+ if value == 'X':
+ self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 1
+ self.is_game_over()
+ self.next_turn_value = 2
+ elif value == 'O':
+ self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 2
+ self.is_game_over()
+ self.next_turn_value = 1
+ self.number_of_moves += 1
+ def game_status(self):
+ if self.winner == 0:
+ if self.number_of_moves < 9:
+ return 'Game in progress.'
+ else:
+ return 'Draw!'
+ elif self.winner == 1:
+ return 'X wins!'
+ else:
+ return 'O wins!'
# Редакция: Закоментираната част не се отнася до твоето решение:
# По-добре си направи изключенията така:
#     MyException(Exception):
#         pass
# и ги възбуждай така, ако настояваш за съобщение:
#     raise MyException('my exceptional message')

Това вече си е за теб:

__str__ може да бъде много по-четима и прегледна.
str.format е един добър инструмент за постигането на това.

is_game_over има доволно количество повторения, които могат лесно да се избегнат чрез предварително описване на всички случаи, в който извършваш еднотипни проверки.

Коментарите в метод говорят, че той е зле написан. Неграмотно написаните коментари също говорят доста зле за автора си.

Тук също имаш повторение: if value == 'X': self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 1 self.is_game_over() self.next_turn_value = 2 elif value == 'O': self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 2 self.is_game_over() self.next_turn_value = 1 Помисли как да го избегнеш.

Ако си дефинирам изключенията, по начина по който, ти предлагаш

MyException(Exception): pass


Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/stanimirnikolov/Dropbox/Documents/FMI/Python/Fourth homework/make-file.py", line 1, in import solution File "/Users/stanimirnikolov/Dropbox/Documents/FMI/Python/Fourth homework/solution.py", line 4 InvalidValue(Exception): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Така че не мисля, че е много добра идея...

Извинявам се. Явно съм гледал друго решение като съм почвал да пиша коментар към твоето(тази част точно ми се наложи да я copy-paste-вам на доста места). Объркването е по моя вина. Нямаш проблем с дефинирането на изключенията. Като изключим това, останалото си е за твоето решения.

Отново: извинявам се за объркването.

Станимир обнови решението на 15.04.2013 14:29 (преди почти 12 години)

import re
-class InvalidValue (Exception):
+class InvalidValue(Exception):
-class InvalidKey (Exception):
+class InvalidKey(Exception):
-class InvalidMove (Exception):
+class InvalidMove(Exception):
-class NotYourTurn (Exception):
+class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class TicTacToeBoard:
COLUMNS_VALUES = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2}
ROW_VALUES = {'3': 0, '2': 1, '1': 2}
SQUARE_VALUES = {0: ' ', 1: 'X', 2: 'O'}
def __init__(self):
self.deck = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
self.next_turn_value = 0
self.winner = 0
self.number_of_moves = 0
def __str__(self):
row_index = 3
result = "\n -------------\n"
for x in self.deck:
result += row_index.__str__()
result += " |"
for y in x:
result += ' '
result += self.SQUARE_VALUES[y]
result += " |"
result += "\n -------------\n"
row_index -= 1
result += " A B C \n"
return result
def get_position_indexes(self, key):
result = list()
return result
def check_for_invalid_key(self, key):
pattern = r'[A-C][1-3]'
result = bool(re.search(pattern, key))
if not result:
- raise InvalidKey
+ raise InvalidKey()
- def is_game_over(self):
+ def calculate_game_status(self):
result = False
- #check rows
- for i in range(0, 3):
- this_row_result = True
- for j in self.deck[i]:
- if j != self.next_turn_value:
- this_row_result = False
- break
- result = result or this_row_result
- #check columns
- for i in range(0, 3):
- this_column_result = True
- for row in self.deck:
- if row[i] != self.next_turn_value:
- this_column_result = False
- break
- result = result or this_column_result
- #check diagonals
first_diagonal_result = True
second_diagonal_result = True
for i in range(0, 3):
+ #check diagonals
if self.deck[i][i] != self.next_turn_value:
first_diagonal_result = False
if self.deck[i][2 - i] != self.next_turn_value:
second_diagonal_result = False
+ #check columns
+ this_column_result = True
+ for row in self.deck:
+ if row[i] != self.next_turn_value:
+ this_column_result = False
+ break
+ result = result or this_column_result
+ #check rows
+ this_row_result = True
+ for square in self.deck[i]:
+ if square != self.next_turn_value:
+ this_row_result = False
+ break
+ result = result or this_row_result
result = result or first_diagonal_result or second_diagonal_result
if result:
self.winner = self.next_turn_value
def __getitem__(self, key):
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
value_key = self.deck[position[0]][position[1]]
return self.SQUARE_VALUES[value_key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- #chech is value valid
+ #check value
if value != 'X' and value != 'O':
- raise InvalidValue
+ raise InvalidValue()
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
- #chech is position valid
+ #check position
if self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] != 0:
- raise InvalidMove
- #check players turn
+ raise InvalidMove()
+ #check turn
next_turn_value_string = self.SQUARE_VALUES[self.next_turn_value]
if next_turn_value_string != value and next_turn_value_string != ' ':
- raise NotYourTurn
+ raise NotYourTurn()
+ value_key = [k for k, v in self.SQUARE_VALUES.items() if v == value][0]
+ self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = value_key
+ self.calculate_game_status()
if value == 'X':
- self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 1
- self.is_game_over()
self.next_turn_value = 2
- elif value == 'O':
- self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = 2
- self.is_game_over()
+ else:
self.next_turn_value = 1
self.number_of_moves += 1
def game_status(self):
if self.winner == 0:
if self.number_of_moves < 9:
return 'Game in progress.'
return 'Draw!'
elif self.winner == 1:
return 'X wins!'
return 'O wins!'

Станимир обнови решението на 15.04.2013 14:35 (преди почти 12 години)

import re
class InvalidValue(Exception):
class InvalidKey(Exception):
class InvalidMove(Exception):
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class TicTacToeBoard:
COLUMNS_VALUES = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2}
ROW_VALUES = {'3': 0, '2': 1, '1': 2}
SQUARE_VALUES = {0: ' ', 1: 'X', 2: 'O'}
def __init__(self):
self.deck = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
self.next_turn_value = 0
self.winner = 0
self.number_of_moves = 0
def __str__(self):
row_index = 3
result = "\n -------------\n"
for x in self.deck:
- result += row_index.__str__()
- result += " |"
+ result += "{} |".format(row_index.__str__())
for y in x:
- result += ' '
- result += self.SQUARE_VALUES[y]
- result += " |"
+ result += ' {} |'.format(self.SQUARE_VALUES[y])
result += "\n -------------\n"
row_index -= 1
result += " A B C \n"
return result
def get_position_indexes(self, key):
result = list()
return result
def check_for_invalid_key(self, key):
pattern = r'[A-C][1-3]'
result = bool(re.search(pattern, key))
if not result:
raise InvalidKey()
def calculate_game_status(self):
result = False
first_diagonal_result = True
second_diagonal_result = True
for i in range(0, 3):
#check diagonals
if self.deck[i][i] != self.next_turn_value:
first_diagonal_result = False
if self.deck[i][2 - i] != self.next_turn_value:
second_diagonal_result = False
#check columns
this_column_result = True
for row in self.deck:
if row[i] != self.next_turn_value:
this_column_result = False
result = result or this_column_result
#check rows
this_row_result = True
for square in self.deck[i]:
if square != self.next_turn_value:
this_row_result = False
result = result or this_row_result
result = result or first_diagonal_result or second_diagonal_result
if result:
self.winner = self.next_turn_value
def __getitem__(self, key):
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
value_key = self.deck[position[0]][position[1]]
return self.SQUARE_VALUES[value_key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
#check value
if value != 'X' and value != 'O':
raise InvalidValue()
position = self.get_position_indexes(key)
#check position
if self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] != 0:
raise InvalidMove()
#check turn
next_turn_value_string = self.SQUARE_VALUES[self.next_turn_value]
if next_turn_value_string != value and next_turn_value_string != ' ':
raise NotYourTurn()
value_key = [k for k, v in self.SQUARE_VALUES.items() if v == value][0]
self.deck[position[0]][position[1]] = value_key
if value == 'X':
self.next_turn_value = 2
self.next_turn_value = 1
self.number_of_moves += 1
def game_status(self):
if self.winner == 0:
if self.number_of_moves < 9:
return 'Game in progress.'
return 'Draw!'
elif self.winner == 1:
return 'X wins!'
return 'O wins!'