Ралица обнови решението на 31.03.2013 15:11 (преди над 11 години)
+class Person:
+ def __init__(self, name, gender, birth_year, father=None, mother=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.gender = gender
+ self.birth_year = birth_year
+ self.father = father
+ self.mother = mother
+ self.my_children = []
+ if father is not None:
+ father.my_children.append(self)
+ if mother is not None:
+ mother.my_children.append(self)
+ def get_parents_children(self):
+ all_children = []
+ if self.mother is not None:
+ for child in self.mother.children():
+ if child not in all_children:
+ all_children.append(child)
+ if self.father is not None:
+ for child in self.father.children():
+ if child not in all_children:
+ all_children.append(child)
+ return all_children
+ def get_brothers(self):
+ brothers = []
+ for child in self.get_parents_children():
+ if child is not self and child.gender == 'M':
+ brothers.append(child)
+ return brothers
+ def get_sisters(self):
+ sisters = []
+ for child in self.get_parents_children():
+ if child is not self and child.gender == 'F':
+ sisters.append(child)
+ return sisters
+ def children(self, gender='All'):
+ if gender == 'M' or gender == 'F':
+ same_gender_children = []
+ for child in self.my_children:
+ if child.gender == gender:
+ same_gender_children.append(child)
+ return same_gender_children
+ return self.my_children
+ def is_direct_successor(self, successor):
+ if self is successor.mother or self is successor.father:
+ return True
+ elif (successor.mother is not None and
+ self.is_direct_successor(successor.mother)):
+ return True
+ elif (successor.father is not None and
+ self.is_direct_successor(successor.father)):
+ return True
+ return False
Рали, аз бих ти дал коментар за решението. Има няколко места, където много по-удобно и красиво би било да ползваш list comprehensions, вместо if .... apend() .... и т.н.
Да, прав си. Не ми дойде на ум. :)