Решение на Морски шах от Иван Капукаранов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Иван Капукаранов


  • 6 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 6 точки общо
  • 8 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.turn = None
self.we_have_a_result = False
self.status = "Game in progress."
self.moves = []
self.items = {"A1": " ", "B1": " ", "C1": " ",
"A2": " ", "B2": " ", "C2": " ",
"A3": " ", "B3": " ", "C3": " "}
self.rows = [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def __setitem__(self, i, y):
if y != "X" and y != "O":
raise InvalidValue("InvalidValue")
if i not in self.items:
raise InvalidKey("InvalidKey")
if self.turn == y:
raise NotYourTurn("NotYourTurn")
if i in self.moves:
raise InvalidMove("InvalidMove")
if y == "X":
self.turn = "X"
self.turn = "O"
self.items[i] = y
self.rows = [[self.items["A3"], self.items["B3"], self.items["C3"]],
[self.items["A2"], self.items["B2"], self.items["C2"]],
[self.items["A1"], self.items["B1"], self.items["C1"]]]
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.items[i]
def __str__(self):
return '\n -------------\n' +\
'3 | ' + self.items["A3"] + ' | ' + self.items["B3"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C3"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'2 | ' + self.items["A2"] + ' | ' + self.items["B2"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C2"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'1 | ' + self.items["A1"] + ' | ' + self.items["B1"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C1"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
' A B C \n'
def game_current_status(self):
for i in range(0, 3):
if self.rows[i][0] == self.rows[i][1] == self.rows[i][2] != " " \
or self.rows[0][i] == self.rows[1][i] == self.rows[2][i] \
!= " ":
if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if self.rows[0][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[2][2] != " " \
or self.rows[2][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[0][2] \
!= " ":
if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if " " not in self.rows[0] and " " not in self.rows[1] \
and " " not in self.rows[2]:
if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = 'Draw!'
def game_status(self):
return self.status
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class InvalidMove(Exception):
class InvalidValue(Exception):
class InvalidKey(Exception):

Лог от изпълнението

Ran 8 tests in 0.142s


История (4 версии и 3 коментара)

Иван обнови решението на 12.04.2013 02:29 (преди почти 12 години)

+class TicTacToeBoard:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.turn = None
+ self.moves = []
+ self.items = {"A1": " ", "B1": " ", "C1": " ",
+ "A2": " ", "B2": " ", "C2": " ",
+ "A3": " ", "B3": " ", "C3": " "}
+ self.rows = [[" ", " ", " "],
+ [" ", " ", " "],
+ [" ", " ", " "]]
+ def __setitem__(self, i, y):
+ if y != "X" and y != "O":
+ raise InvalidValue
+ if i not in self.items:
+ raise InvalidKey
+ if self.turn == y:
+ raise NotYourTurn
+ if i in self.moves:
+ raise InvalidMove
+ if y == "X":
+ self.turn = "X"
+ else:
+ self.turn = "O"
+ self.items[i] = y
+ self.rows = [[self.items["A3"], self.items["B3"], self.items["C3"]],
+ [self.items["A2"], self.items["B2"], self.items["C2"]],
+ [self.items["A1"], self.items["B1"], self.items["C1"]]]
+ self.moves.append(i)
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.items[i]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '\n -------------\n' +\
+ '3 | ' + self.items["A3"] + ' | ' + self.items["B3"] +\
+ ' | ' + self.items["C3"] + ' |\n' +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ '2 | ' + self.items["A2"] + ' | ' + self.items["B2"] +\
+ ' | ' + self.items["C2"] + ' |\n' +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ '1 | ' + self.items["A1"] + ' | ' + self.items["B1"] +\
+ ' | ' + self.items["C1"] + ' |\n' +\
+ ' -------------\n' +\
+ ' A B C \n'
+ def game_status(self):
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ if self.rows[i][0] == self.rows[i][1] == self.rows[i][2] != " " \
+ or self.rows[0][i] == self.rows[1][i] == self.rows[2][i] \
+ != " ":
+ return self.turn + ' wins!'
+ if self.rows[0][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[2][2] != " " \
+ or self.rows[2][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[0][2] \
+ != " ":
+ return self.turn + ' wins!'
+ if " " not in self.rows[0] and " " not in self.rows[1] \
+ and " " not in self.rows[2]:
+ return 'Draw!'
+ return 'Game in progress.'
+class NotYourTurn(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'NotYourTurn'
+class InvalidMove(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'InvalidMove'
+class InvalidValue(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'InvalidValue'
+class InvalidKey(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'InvalidKey'

По-добрата практика е съобщението при изключение е да се подава като аргумент:

raise NotYourTurn("It's not your turn!")

Ако наследяваш Exception не е нужно да добавяш message атрибут. Неговия конструктор има атрибут args и str(exception) връща първият аргумент подаден на конструктора.

Опитай се да премахнеш повторението в game_status

Иван обнови решението на 13.04.2013 02:48 (преди почти 12 години)

class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.turn = None
+ self.we_have_a_winner = False
+ self.status = "Game in progress."
self.moves = []
self.items = {"A1": " ", "B1": " ", "C1": " ",
"A2": " ", "B2": " ", "C2": " ",
"A3": " ", "B3": " ", "C3": " "}
self.rows = [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def __setitem__(self, i, y):
if y != "X" and y != "O":
- raise InvalidValue
+ raise InvalidValue("InvalidValue")
if i not in self.items:
- raise InvalidKey
+ raise InvalidKey("InvalidKey")
if self.turn == y:
- raise NotYourTurn
+ raise NotYourTurn("NotYourTurn")
if i in self.moves:
- raise InvalidMove
+ raise InvalidMove("InvalidMove")
if y == "X":
self.turn = "X"
self.turn = "O"
self.items[i] = y
self.rows = [[self.items["A3"], self.items["B3"], self.items["C3"]],
[self.items["A2"], self.items["B2"], self.items["C2"]],
[self.items["A1"], self.items["B1"], self.items["C1"]]]
+ self.game_current_status()
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.items[i]
def __str__(self):
return '\n -------------\n' +\
'3 | ' + self.items["A3"] + ' | ' + self.items["B3"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C3"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'2 | ' + self.items["A2"] + ' | ' + self.items["B2"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C2"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'1 | ' + self.items["A1"] + ' | ' + self.items["B1"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C1"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
' A B C \n'
- def game_status(self):
+ def game_current_status(self):
for i in range(0, 3):
if self.rows[i][0] == self.rows[i][1] == self.rows[i][2] != " " \
or self.rows[0][i] == self.rows[1][i] == self.rows[2][i] \
!= " ":
- return self.turn + ' wins!'
+ if self.we_have_a_winner is not True:
+ self.we_have_a_winner = True
+ self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if self.rows[0][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[2][2] != " " \
or self.rows[2][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[0][2] \
!= " ":
- return self.turn + ' wins!'
+ if self.we_have_a_winner is not True:
+ self.we_have_a_winner = True
+ self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if " " not in self.rows[0] and " " not in self.rows[1] \
and " " not in self.rows[2]:
- return 'Draw!'
- return 'Game in progress.'
+ self.status = 'Draw!'
+ def game_status(self):
+ return self.status
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
- def __init__(self):
- self.message = 'NotYourTurn'
+ pass
class InvalidMove(Exception):
- def __init__(self):
- self.message = 'InvalidMove'
+ pass
class InvalidValue(Exception):
- def __init__(self):
- self.message = 'InvalidValue'
+ pass
class InvalidKey(Exception):
- def __init__(self):
- self.message = 'InvalidKey'
+ pass

Иван обнови решението на 14.04.2013 16:36 (преди почти 12 години)

class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.turn = None
- self.we_have_a_winner = False
+ self.we_have_a_result = False
self.status = "Game in progress."
self.moves = []
self.items = {"A1": " ", "B1": " ", "C1": " ",
"A2": " ", "B2": " ", "C2": " ",
"A3": " ", "B3": " ", "C3": " "}
self.rows = [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def __setitem__(self, i, y):
if y != "X" and y != "O":
raise InvalidValue("InvalidValue")
if i not in self.items:
raise InvalidKey("InvalidKey")
if self.turn == y:
raise NotYourTurn("NotYourTurn")
if i in self.moves:
raise InvalidMove("InvalidMove")
if y == "X":
self.turn = "X"
self.turn = "O"
self.items[i] = y
self.rows = [[self.items["A3"], self.items["B3"], self.items["C3"]],
[self.items["A2"], self.items["B2"], self.items["C2"]],
[self.items["A1"], self.items["B1"], self.items["C1"]]]
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.items[i]
def __str__(self):
return '\n -------------\n' +\
'3 | ' + self.items["A3"] + ' | ' + self.items["B3"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C3"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'2 | ' + self.items["A2"] + ' | ' + self.items["B2"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C2"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'1 | ' + self.items["A1"] + ' | ' + self.items["B1"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C1"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
' A B C \n'
def game_current_status(self):
for i in range(0, 3):
if self.rows[i][0] == self.rows[i][1] == self.rows[i][2] != " " \
or self.rows[0][i] == self.rows[1][i] == self.rows[2][i] \
!= " ":
- if self.we_have_a_winner is not True:
- self.we_have_a_winner = True
+ if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
+ self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if self.rows[0][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[2][2] != " " \
or self.rows[2][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[0][2] \
!= " ":
if self.we_have_a_winner is not True:
- self.we_have_a_winner = True
- self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
+ self.we_have_a_winner = True
+ self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if " " not in self.rows[0] and " " not in self.rows[1] \
- and " " not in self.rows[2]:
- self.status = 'Draw!'
+ and " " not in self.rows[2]:
+ if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
+ self.we_have_a_result = True
+ self.status = 'Draw!'
def game_status(self):
return self.status
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class InvalidMove(Exception):
class InvalidValue(Exception):
class InvalidKey(Exception):

Иван обнови решението на 14.04.2013 21:42 (преди почти 12 години)

class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.turn = None
self.we_have_a_result = False
self.status = "Game in progress."
self.moves = []
self.items = {"A1": " ", "B1": " ", "C1": " ",
"A2": " ", "B2": " ", "C2": " ",
"A3": " ", "B3": " ", "C3": " "}
self.rows = [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def __setitem__(self, i, y):
if y != "X" and y != "O":
raise InvalidValue("InvalidValue")
if i not in self.items:
raise InvalidKey("InvalidKey")
if self.turn == y:
raise NotYourTurn("NotYourTurn")
if i in self.moves:
raise InvalidMove("InvalidMove")
if y == "X":
self.turn = "X"
self.turn = "O"
self.items[i] = y
self.rows = [[self.items["A3"], self.items["B3"], self.items["C3"]],
[self.items["A2"], self.items["B2"], self.items["C2"]],
[self.items["A1"], self.items["B1"], self.items["C1"]]]
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.items[i]
def __str__(self):
return '\n -------------\n' +\
'3 | ' + self.items["A3"] + ' | ' + self.items["B3"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C3"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'2 | ' + self.items["A2"] + ' | ' + self.items["B2"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C2"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
'1 | ' + self.items["A1"] + ' | ' + self.items["B1"] +\
' | ' + self.items["C1"] + ' |\n' +\
' -------------\n' +\
' A B C \n'
def game_current_status(self):
for i in range(0, 3):
if self.rows[i][0] == self.rows[i][1] == self.rows[i][2] != " " \
or self.rows[0][i] == self.rows[1][i] == self.rows[2][i] \
!= " ":
if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if self.rows[0][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[2][2] != " " \
or self.rows[2][0] == self.rows[1][1] == self.rows[0][2] \
!= " ":
- if self.we_have_a_winner is not True:
- self.we_have_a_winner = True
+ if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
+ self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = self.turn + ' wins!'
if " " not in self.rows[0] and " " not in self.rows[1] \
and " " not in self.rows[2]:
if self.we_have_a_result is not True:
self.we_have_a_result = True
self.status = 'Draw!'
def game_status(self):
return self.status
class NotYourTurn(Exception):
class InvalidMove(Exception):
class InvalidValue(Exception):
class InvalidKey(Exception):